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Important addresses in Uster

Do you need cash or do you have to buy a souvenir gift? Here you will find the most important addresses.

Bank / ATM

The nearest ATM is located on the ground floor in the shopping mall.

Shopping at the illuster

The hotel's convenient location in the illuster shopping centre allows you to shop quickly and conveniently in over 20 shops:

Opening hours of the illuster centre:
Monday to Saturday: 08:00 to 20:00
Further information can be found at: www.illuster.ch


CaroGio, Zürichstrasse 20, 8610 Uster
+41 43 366 54 92
Opening hours: Monday to Saturday: 09:00 until 20:00h


You are welcome to leave your letter post at the reception.


Läderach Chocolatier Suisse is located on the ground floor of the shopping centre and is always worth a visit. You will also find other specialities in the centre.

City Plans

Excursion maps and city maps are available at the reception desk.